Staying Healthy: Why Screening Matters

Keiva Lei Cadena

Cancer screening is important!

When we think of the “C” word, we often think of suffering and death. Most of us know that routine screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, and other cancers provides an opportunity to detect disease early, when it is most treatable. Screening for anal cancer is no different—it gives us a chance to stay healthy and get follow-up anything that seems out of the ordinary.

Many cases of anal cancer can be found early through a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). This may be performed when checking for prostate health or may be part of a woman’s pelvic exam.

There is an anal Pap smear in which the anal lining is swabbed and cells are examined under a microscope. Many doctors believe this is especially important for persons living with HIV, as well as for others at increased risk for anal cancer. For more information, see Staying Healthy: Anal Cancer Risks, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment.

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Related: Staying Healthy: Anal Cancer Risks, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment